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UTAH z Pekińskiej Elity Polanda Polonica
#1 female in Poland 2019
Best minor puppy in show "3
9 times best of breed winner
Poland winner
Club winner
Crufts nominated
Spitz parade winner
Best in show winner
Junior Champion & Champion of Poland
But most important title that she carries is ,,Mum"

Utah was born on Nowember 30 in 2017, our beautifull girl is highly titled champion mentioned in many books, magazines and publications. She still looks like a puppy but she behaves like a Queen. I can't belive that my baby girl is such a grownup chow. Her movement and posture and the way she presents herself convinced me to start this journey. She is a very special girl that ownes my heart. She always know's when I need her. On daily basis Utah loves guarding our home and loves to sleep, these are her all time favourites. She loves to be complemented as well.
Parents: Liza & Messi

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